Battery Cooling Tubes

Battery cooling tubes are widely used in cylindrical cells thermal management. They are also called serpentine tubes or liquid cooling tubes. Battery cooling tubes are developed with highly refined manufacturing quality, to make sure they can fit with cylindrical cells side curves, hence large contact surface between cooling tube and cells can be guaranteed .
With their large internal surface area, they can achieve more efficient heat transfer and are well adapted to different forms to work with 1865, 2170, 4680, 4695 and many other dimensions of cylindrical cells.
Battery cooling tubes
The reliable thermal management solution for cylindrical cells and even prismatic cells.
XD Thermal battery cooling tubes use automotive standard technology, deliver excellence and performance in battery heat dissipation.
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Typical Applications For Battery cooling tubes
전기 자동차의 냉각판-XD THERMAL
전기 자동차
에너지 저장 시스템의 냉각판 - XD THERMAL
에너지 저장 시스템
중장비용 냉각판 - XD THERMAL
과중한 업무
해병대 냉각판 - XD THERMAL
인기 판매 제품
XD Thermal은 엔지니어링 요구 사항에 맞게 다양한 제작 기술을 사용합니다.
Liquid cooling tube2 - XD THERMAL
C2P Battery Cooling Tubes
Most preferred type of battery cooling tubes so far in automotive industry. Giants like Tesla or BMW use the same concept. Both U turn structure and Straight structure are available. Very good compatibility for 4680, 4695 and 46125 cylindrical cells.
C2M Liquid Cooling Tube-XDTHERMAL
C2M Bended Battery Cooling Tubes
Bended cooling tubes can be modified as per module layout, making cells deployment flexible. In order to utilize every single corner in the battery module, such cooling tubes can have inlets and outlets at the same side or different sides.
liquid cooling tube 3 - XD THERMAL
Tri-way Battery Cooling Tubes
3 parallel cooling ribbons provide sufficient contact and heat transfer performance for cylindrical cells. Excellent compacted build, reduce the connection numbers to 1/3 of it’s original requirement. Faster and easier for assembly, make smaller battery module dimensions possible!

Type of Product

Number of Connections


Lead Time for OTS

Cell Compatibility

이상적인 대상

C2P Cooling Tube
EVs, Heavy Duties, Marines, eVTOL
C2M Cooling Tube
EVs, Residence ESS, eVTOL
Tri-way Cooling Tube
EVs, Heavy Duties, Marines
XD Thermal is a professional battery cooling tubes manufactuer in China, with rich experience in supplying cooling components for automotive OEMs and other fields which run Li-ion battery packs. We not only produce cooling parts, but also provide engineering service, including design, simulation and validation tests.
짝짓기할 짝 for Your Cooling Tubes
냉각판 및 배터리 셀과 함께 작동하는 여러 결합 부품이 있습니다. 각 부품은 모든 배터리 팩에서 결합 및 조립됩니다.
벌크헤드 피팅-xdthermal


(냉각수 주입구 및 배출구)

퀵 커넥터 - XD THERMAL

빠른 커넥터

열 인터페이스 - XD THERMAL

열 인터페이스

파이프 시스템

파이프 라인

고객 리뷰

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자주 묻는 질문
여기에 질문이 없는 경우 언제든지 이메일을 보내주세요!
Normally 35 days, including tooling development and sample production.
알루미늄 3 시리즈 및 6 시리즈. 부식 방지 및 기계적 강도가 뛰어납니다.
It is suitable for cylindrical cells. The specs of 18650, 21700, 32140, 4680, 4695, 60160 can be compatible for XD Thermal’s cooling tubes. Customized solutions can be available as well.
XD Thermal은 여러 테스트를 수행하여 고객이 파열 압력, 부식 방지 성능, 흐름 저항 등에 대한 정량화 가능한 데이터를 확보할 수 있도록 검증 테스트를 제공합니다.
Each battery cooling pipe manufactured by XD Thermal will be tested with helium tester, which is a very accurate and sensitive testing method over water test.
C2P straight cooling tubes are getting more popular among EV OEMs. It has very good compatibility with 4680 series battery cells, by using such solution, number of welding can be reduced, power density can be lifted up to a higher level. C2P cooling tubes can be used in automated assembly in GA line in OEM place. So it is getting a much bigger share.
Battery Liquid Cooling Tubes:
종합 가이드(2024)
At XD THERMAL, our liquid cooling plates are essential for efficient battery thermal management, ensuring optimal performance and safety. Engineered to automotive-grade standards, these plates prevent overheating, enhance durability, and maintain consistent temperature distribution across battery packs. With our commitment to quality, certified by IATF 16949, we guarantee products that meet strict industry requirements, delivering significant benefits to your battery systems. Choose XD THERMAL for superior protection and performance.


What is battery cooling tubes?

Battery cooling tube is also called liquid cooling ribbon, it can be seen in Tesla model 3 and model Y. It deployed with curved surface, so cylindrical cells, such 4680 cells, can be well adated to its geometric structure. Battery cooling tube is considered as an active cooling component for battery packs, especially for Li-ion battery packs. Heat generated and accumulated while battery go through charging and discharging. Without heat management, battery life and performance would be seriously impacted. Thus liquid cooling plates is commonly deployed in today’s Li-ion battery packs.

액체 냉각이란 무엇인가요?

액체 냉각은 주로 물-글리콜 혼합물 또는 프레온 계열 냉각수를 사용합니다. 이러한 유체는 냉각 구성 요소 내부를 흐르며 구성 요소가 통과하는 인터페이스에서 열을 흡수합니다. 유체 작동 모드: 냉각 유체가 입구를 통해 구성 요소로 들어가고-> 열 흡수-> 출구를 통해 구성 요소 밖으로 나가고-> 외부 냉각기를 통해 냉각된 유체-> 다시 구성 요소로 들어갑니다.

액체 냉각의 장점은 무엇인가요?

배터리 팩 크기를 더욱 소형화할 수 있으며, 공랭식보다 훨씬 높은 냉각 효과, 높은 IP 투사 수준, 폐열 재활용 가능성, 다양한 기후에서 호환됩니다.

배터리 냉각판 제작에는 어떤 재료가 사용되나요?

Aluminum is the most preferred material, because aluminum is lighter and recyclable. 3003, 3005, 6061, 6063 are some of the common aluminum alloys used. 3 series enjoy excellent anti-corrosion performance, in most 3 series coolign plates proejcts, it can withstand over 1000 hours of salt spray test. 6 series material is usually used in higher strength solution, or act as connectors.
프로파일 압출1_540

How many kinds of cylindrical cooling pipe are there?

a) C2P cooling pipe. The most preferred type of cooling pipe so far for automotive and heavy duty battery packs. It has very good compatibility with 4680 Li-on battery cells.
b) C2M cooling pipe. It is usually used in smaller battery modules, or used in fields where the use of space needs optimal.
c) Tri-way cooling pipe. This three-in-one solution can reduce the number of connectors, so it is efficient in pack assembly, and cost-saving.

How a cooling tube is been made?

There are multiple types of cooling tubes. However, there might be several steps which are in common.
serpentine tube structure design considerations- XD THERMAL2

브레이징이란 무엇이며 냉각판 생산에서 브레이징은 어떤 역할을 하나요?

Yes, brazing is used for joinning cooling tube body with spigots. The brazing process will make the aluminum material stay in a semi-melded condition, then mating parts will attach to each other, and a strong joint between them will be created.

How many types of brazing will be used in Tesla-like cooling ribbon production?

There are two popular brazing ways.
첫 번째 연속 납땜 또는 코리도 브레이징이라고 합니다. 이 작업은 길고 개방된 용광로에서 이루어집니다.
The second one 유도 납땜입니다. 가열된 회로 근처에서 이루어집니다.

어떤 납땜 방법을 사용해야 하나요?

  1. 최고의 생산성과 짧은 사이클 타임을 원한다면 연속 납땜이 적합합니다.
  2. 더 높은 강도가 필요하고 냉각판의 치수가 두꺼운 경우 진공 브레이징을 사용합니다.
  3. 좁은 공간에서 접착이 필요한 경우 유도 납땜을 고려해야 합니다.

어떤 종류의 커넥터/인렛 및 콘센트를 권장하나요?

Connectors, sometimes also called inlets & outlets, are the places where cooling tubes connecting to pipeline systems. Since connectors play the role of mating, so its dimension and shape should match its mating parts. We suggest following SAE, VDA or CQC standards. Under these standards’ connectors, pipelines can be easily assembled.

커넥터는 어떻게 만들어지나요?

일반적으로 커넥터는 CNC, 스탬핑 및 다이캐스팅으로 만들어집니다.

How to make insulation on the surface of cooling tubes?

아래는 다음과 같습니다. 인기 있는 방법 of cooling tube insulation.
  1. Do insulation coating on the external surface of cooling tubes.
  2. Attach insulation films on top of cooling tubes.
  3. 열 인터페이스 재료를 사용하여 열 전달과 단열 작업을 모두 수행합니다.

What is the thermal interface material between cylindrical cooling plates and cells?

Thermal interface material called TIM for short, it is a silicon based material which aims to fill invisible gap between cells and cylindrical cooling plates. TIM could guarantee sufficient contact between cylindrical cooling plates and cells, and at the same time TIM also become an efficient conductor of heat transfer.

Things you should know before designing a battery cooling tube

In order to make a robust cooling tubes. There are certain ABCs to follow. For example, choose the right wall thickness of micro channel tube when running pressure is at the higher side; When maintaining mechanical strength is at top priority, then try to avoid heat treatment in the production of cooling plates.

What is common running pressue for serpentine tubes?

대부분 그대로 유지됩니다. between 1-3 bars 대부분의 승용차용 냉각판과 그 시스템에 사용됩니다. 무거운 작업이나 기타 유틸리티의 경우 작동 압력이 더 높을 수 있습니다.

항상 낮은 유량 저항을 추구해야 하나요?

The answer is no. Cooling pipe’s job is do proper heat dissipation inside of battery packs. When flow resistance is way low, it will make fluid run much faster than it should be. Too fast speed means less time of heat exchange, heat transfer could not be sufficiently done.

어떤 단열 수준을 설정해야 하나요?

2U+1K is the design guideline for most projects. Find nominal voltage of your battery pack, make it two times more then plus 1000 V. This standard suits most scenarios. Currently, most cylindrical cooling tubes have insulation level around 3Kv.

What ultimate pressure can cylindrical cooling plates withstand?

With proper wall thickness, battery cooling tubes can withstand over 100 bars.

The tests might required for a cooling tube project

Apart from regular product tests, cooling tubes will have to go through a series of validation tests.

부식 방지 테스트

Anti-corrosion tests will verify cooling tubes’ durability in corrosion environment. External tests will be done with salt spray chamber. Internal tests will be done in circulation stations. Based on the materials’ selection, XD Thermal’s cooling tubes will be durable 1000시간 이상 부식 테스트에서

파열 압력

Burst pressure tests will help designers to locate cooling tube’s ultimate pressure resistance. One of the inlets or outlets will be sealed before testing, pressure with liquid will be injected from another port till cooling tube start cracking. Normally, cooling tubes can withstand 60-140 bars pressure.

흐름 저항

Too much flow resistance will add unnecessary burden to the cooling system’s pump. At the same time, higher flow resistane means reduced flow speed, in most of the cases, cooling tubes could not reach to heat dissipation target with too high flow resistance. So get flow resistance optimized and tested in development period if very important. Such tests can be done in a liquid circulation station.

How to install a cooling tube?

Inserting Installation

First get all cylindrical cells sit in right position, insert the cooling tube into the space between each two rows of battery cells.

Horizontal installation

Cooling tube will be brushed by glues, then one row of battery cells will be pushed to the cooling plate, then another around glue brushing will be done to cells, afterwards one cooling tube after another row of cells.
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